Glasgow Magistrate – Binder

As lush as a sunny garden, this one’s best enjoyed with your feet planted firmly in the grass and your head high up in the clouds


Type: Dark Air Cured

Origin: Pennsylvania

Grade: Binder

The Glasgow Magistrate is one of our customers' favorite grabba leaves. It's a premier quality, medium-color leaf with a rich texture and nice oil and stretch. Some customers are drawn to the Glasgow Magistrate’s thin veins, and others love its smooth and versatile aroma. This leaf comes from Pennsylvania and is hand sorted by Amish farmers after being air cured.

Air cured tobacco is generally cured in open or exposed barns for one to two months at a time. Thanks to this curing process, these leaves have a distinctive, pleasing aroma. Traditionally, this leaf is a 'dark air cured tobacco' used universally as a binder; however, many leaves may be suitable for use as wrappers.

As with all of our retail sales, these leaves are unbound and separated from each other. If you'd prefer your order to be untouched and bound together in 'hands' by the farmer, we're happy to accommodate you. Just let us know. Large and wholesale orders are shipped in bound 'hands' of tobacco.


Type: Dark Air Cured

Origin: Pennsylvania

Grade: Binder

Average length: 23" long, not including the unusable length of the stem at the bottom of each leaf

Average width: 10" at its widest point

Average weight: 25 leaves per pound

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 Pound, 1/4 Pound, 5 Pound

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