Pure Leaf Tobacco Blog

Gluten Free Cigars

Gluten Free Cigars

Yes, you read that correctly – gluten free cigars. But why? Do cigars have gluten in them? Most people probably don't know that while cigars are made from premium whole tobacco leaves, many of them actually do contain gluten inside the adhesive that holds them...

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Federal Laws on Whole Leaf Tobacco

Federal Laws on Whole Leaf Tobacco

Whole Leaf Tobacco Under the Law for Buyers If you enjoy smoking cigars, bidis, kreteks, or any other kind of hand-rolled smoking tobacco product, then you should familiarize yourself with the federal law on whole leaf tobacco. A good knowledge of federal law on whole...

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Shade Tobacco Buyers Guide

Shade Tobacco Buyers Guide

As you may have guessed, shade tobacco is grown in…the shade. Now, technically, this cigar tobacco is grown in open fields, but the plants are covered in a nylon cheesecloth so that they aren't blasted by direct sunlight as they grow. The result is a darker and more...

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Fire Cured Tobacco Buyers Guide

Fire cured tobacco is a desirable choice for those seeking strong flavors and a high content of nicotine. Once harvested, leaves grown in Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky are hung in sealed barns and cure as a result of a smoldering fire with significant smoke...

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Air Cured Tobacco Buyers Guide

Air Cured Tobacco Buyers Guide

Air cured tobacco is a popular choice among enthusiasts looking for expertly sourced, unaltered, whole leaf tobacco products. It's produced by hanging leaves inside of ventilated barns to be dried naturally by atmospheric conditions, and there are four different types...

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Flue Cured Tobacco Buyers Guide

Flue Cured Tobacco Buyers Guide

Real Tobacco Leaf is a big commodity worldwide, but of all the ways that it is cured for use in various products, it's tough to compete with . This tobacco is achieved by hanging tobacco leaves in large barns and utilizing hot air to dry the leaves and remove a lot of...

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Characteristics of Sun Cured Tobacco

Characteristics of Sun Cured Tobacco

There are many ways in which tobacco can be cured and prepared, and understanding the differences between each method can help you determine which you prefer to enjoy. The characteristics of sun cured tobacco are unique, though the process may seem relatively similar...

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Characteristics of Air Cured Tobacco

Characteristics of Air Cured Tobacco

Air curing is a method of curing tobacco that is relatively simple by definition – air is used to cure the leaves instead of heat as in the case of fire-cured, flue-cured, or other methods. Tobacco leaves are hung in ventilated barns and are subjected to the natural...

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Characteristics of Fire Cured Tobacco

Characteristics of Fire Cured Tobacco

Once tobacco leaves have been harvested they must undergo a curing process so that the dried leaves maintain their powerful flavor and aroma. Of the many methods out there, fire-cured tobacco is certainly a popular choice. The use of fire not only eliminates issues...

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